Vision and Strategic Plan

Our Vision

To lead excellence and innovation in research, teaching, and service in addressing societal problems using information sciences and technology.

IST promotes and maintains a departmental research culture by providing the facilities, means, and incentives for outstanding research. IST provides excellent education with leading-edge courses, by leveraging innovative instructional methods and emphasizing the enhanced student experience. IST provides continuous advising and mentorship to the students, faculty, and staff as well as ongoing service to the college, university, alumni, and the community.

Our Strategic Plan

IST places its highest priority on realizing growth by exploring and expanding knowledge and education in directions that align with stakeholder prosperity and students' career success. 

The IST strategic plan is organized into three primary focus areas: academic programs and instruction, research and technology innovation, and mentorship, advising, and service. Some key points are summarized as follows:

  • Formalize, standardize, and implement recruiting plans designed to hire a diverse and highly talented cadre of faculty, staff, and students.
  • Pursue complex information science research challenges, reimagine information technology to reflect its ubiquitous impact on society and work across disciplines to help individuals and communities thrive.
  • Launch new and/or enhance the implementation of IST’s scientific and technological laboratories and research centers.
  • Career-centered Education: Increase and enhance graduate program offerings to promote students' career competition in industry and academia.
  • Develop and/or strengthen IST’s collaboration and partnership with the industry, federal government, and community.
  • Provide and prioritize professional development opportunities for students, faculty, and staff, while supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion.