PhD Students

  • Anuridhi Gupta, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a pink sweater and pink glasses in her profile.
    Research Interests: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Databases, Social Computing
  • Xu He, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a light collared shirt and black hat in his profile.
    Research Interests: Network Optimization & Security, Compiler Optimization, Program Analysis, Machine Learning
  • Ashish Hingle, IST PhD student at George Mason, wears a magenta shirt and glasses in his profile.
    Research Interests: Engineering and CS Education, Learning Analytics
  • Julia Hsin-Ping Hsu, IST PhD students, wears a black, flowered cardigan in her profile
    Research Interests: Machine Learning, Computational Community Data analytics, Civic Technology
  • Ibifubara Iganibo, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a tan suit and glasses in his profile.
    Research Interests: Cybersecurity, Attack Surface Measurement, Security Analytics, and Privacy
  • Anika Binte Islam, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a pink blouse in her profile.
    Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Accessibility, Ubiquitous Computing
  • Jahnavi Jonnalagadda, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a red, plaid blouse and dark blazer in her profile.
    Research Interests: Spatial-Temporal Data Prediction, Machine Learning, and Social Media Data Prediction
  • Niloofar Kalantari, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a blue blazer and light, collared shirt in her profile.
    Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, Wearable Health
  • Jinyi Kim, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a black blazer and silver earrings in her profile.
    Research Interests: Data science for social impact in the cultural and educational sector, Museum informatics
  • Jingwei Liao, IST PhD student at Mason, wears a black hoodie in his profile.
    Research Interests: Machine Learning and Computer Vision